Developing English for Nurses in Indonesia: From Learning Supporting Tools to Assessment


  • I Made Rai Jaya Widanta Bali State Polytechnic
  • I Made Ardana Putra Bali State Polytechnic
  • I Wayan Dana Ardika Bali State Polytechnic
  • Ni Nyoman Ayu Tri Hidayanti Bali Dwipa University



assessment tool, English for nurses, competency test, project-based learning


This study aimed to develop English for nurses in Indonesia. Specifically, the development included three levels of a test and their supporting tools such as a competency standard, a scoring rubric, curriculum, and a blueprint. The development was conducted for some stages. The research team was comprised of two lecturers, one staff member, and two students. The students were involved in creating the online version of the test. All supporting tools were validated prior to developing and validating the assessment tool. Upon the tests’ validation, the supporting tools were then disseminated to nursing students in Bali province and East Java. The nursing students tried the tests for approximately two hours and 40 minutes. The written test, which consisted of listening, reading, and writing, was done for 2 hours and 30 minutes, and the spoken test was conducted for 10 minutes for a couple of students. Following the try-out, the students were also assigned to fill in the questionnaires distributed via Google Form. A public experiment involving 20 lecturers also gave the lecturers a questionnaire to fill in. Both questionnaires required the respondents to provide opinions, suggestions, and comments on the test before the tests were revised. In conclusion, the tests were valid and submitted to the English Competency Test Certification Foundation under the Directorate for Course and Training Advancement, Republic of Indonesia.

Author Biographies

I Made Rai Jaya Widanta, Bali State Polytechnic

Mechanical Engineering Department

I Made Ardana Putra, Bali State Polytechnic

Administration Department

I Wayan Dana Ardika, Bali State Polytechnic

Civil Engineering Department

Ni Nyoman Ayu Tri Hidayanti, Bali Dwipa University

English Letters


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