An Investigation Into the Implementation and Selection of Literary Texts to Teach Reading Skills in EFL Classes: The Case of Preparatory Schools in Awi Zone, Ethiopia


  • Netsanet Haymanot Belete Injibara University
  • Sualih Mussa Debre Markos University



literary texts, reading skills, selection, suitability, implementation


This study was conducted to investigate the selection and implementation of literary texts for teaching of reading skills in English as a foreign language classes in preparatory schools in Ethiopia. In doing so, descriptive survey design was employed. To collect data, observation, questionnaire, interview and text analysis were used as data collection tools. Using simple random sampling technique, 30 grade 11 English teachers for questionnaire and 6 teachers for observation and interview were selected. Text analysis was also used to evaluate the suitability of literary texts. The study revealed that literary texts designed in grade 11 English textbook are not suitable for the students’ age, interest, cultural background, social background, linguistic proficiency and literacy background. The reading tasks have almost no pre-reading activities, some while-reading activities and plenty of post-reading activities which are not well designed. Besides, EFL teachers perceived that literary texts are important to facilitate the students’ reading classes but they were limited in using literary texts meaningfully. The study also revealed that difficulty level of literary texts, unfamiliarity of the cultures from texts, lack of interest, lack of reading experience and students’ limited vocabulary were the major difficulties that  hindered the proper use of literary texts in reading lessons.


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