Environmental Themes in Michael Punke's The Revenant: An Ecocritical Analysis of Human-Nature Interaction


  • Ahmat Jaelani Hasanuddin University
  • Burhanuddin Arafah Hasanuddin University
  • Herawaty Abbas Hasanuddin University
  • Madeline Yudith Universitas Muslim Indonesia




human and nature, The Revenant, ecocriticism


The objective of this research is to explore the environmental themes shown in Michael Punke's novel, titled The Revenant, with a focus on the complex relationship between the protagonist, Hugh Glass, the surrounding environment, and interaction. This descriptive research uses the ecocriticism theory to analyze the data and address the related questions. The novel vividly depicts nature as the surrounding forest and the diverse array of animals as the central character. As a frontiersman, Glass perceives nature as a realm to be conquered, which resorts to actions such as felling trees and hunting animals. However, the consequences of these actions significantly impact the natural world. The research findings underscored the disadvantageous and imbalanced nature of the human-environment relationship driven by humans’ exploitative tendencies with little consideration for environmental preservation. The consequences of this one-sided relationship are evident in the ecological degradation and the personal suffering experienced by Hugh Glass, hence the novel's critique of this complex interaction between humans and the environment.

Author Biographies

Ahmat Jaelani, Hasanuddin University

English Language Studies, Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Burhanuddin Arafah, Hasanuddin University

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Herawaty Abbas, Hasanuddin University

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Madeline Yudith, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra


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