Women’s Empowerment in Tragedy: Gendered Narratives and Affective Spaces in Thunderstorm and Desire Under the Elms


  • Yixin Liu Beijing Normal University




gendered narratives, affective spaces, Thunderstorm, Desire Under the Elms


Thunderstorm and Desire under the Elms exhibit striking similarities in thematic elements and the portrayal of female characters, which suggests the two playwrights, Cao Yu (1910-1996) and Eugene O’Neill (1888-1953), shared aesthetic vision in their creative writings. Prior studies of these plays have often focused on the characterisation of the protagonists, thereby overshadowing gender as a critical factor in shaping tragedies. This paper argues that the tragedies in these works are not merely personal misfortunes but are deeply embedded in gendered dynamics, specifically the oppressive force of phallocentrism. It posits that the central cause of tragedy is the conflict between societal constraints and the female characters’ aspirations for power, equality, freedom, and spiritual autonomy. A comparative study of these plays reveals that both Cao Yu and Eugene O’Neill crafted an affective space where the female protagonists, Fanyi and Abbie, despite their different social contexts, share a fundamental human essence. This comparison not only underscores the essence of tragedy within diverse national frameworks but also highlights the commonalities in how the two playwrights perceive and portray women’s destinies and existential predicaments.


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