Teachers' Point of View Concerning the Impact of Bedouin Culture on EFL Speaking Skills Among High School Arab Students in the Negev, Israel


  • Tareq Murad The College of Sakhnin for TE
  • Jamal Assadi The College of Sakhnin for TE
  • Roqaya Abo Assa The College of Sakhnin for TE




cultural aspects, EFL speaking skill, dialects


This research is aimed at exploring the influence of Bedouin culture on the development of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) speaking skills in high school Arab students residing in Israel's Negev region, as perceived by educators. To achieve this, the study involves conducting interviews with experienced English teachers and delving into various cultural factors, including the impact of dialects and accents in students' first language (L1), parental education levels, socioeconomic status, and gender dynamics. The findings shed light on the intricate relationship between culture and language proficiency, revealing that students' strong attachment to their native dialects and accents can present challenges in acquiring English-speaking skills. Furthermore, the research highlights the significance of parental education, with higher levels of parental education positively correlated with students' speaking abilities. Socioeconomic status emerges as a notable influencer of language resources, which, in turn, affects language development and proficiency. Additionally, gender dynamics come into play, showing how cultural norms can influence male and female students differently in their language learning activities. These results underscore the importance of employing culturally sensitive approaches to language education, providing valuable insights for educators and policymakers striving to enhance EFL speaking skills in students from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Author Biographies

Tareq Murad, The College of Sakhnin for TE

Department of English

Jamal Assadi, The College of Sakhnin for TE

Department of English

Roqaya Abo Assa, The College of Sakhnin for TE

Department of English


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