Transacting and Negotiating Through Translanguaging in Bilingual Economic Contexts: Non-Observance of Linguistic Repertoire in Mtukudzi’s ‘Madam Let’s Talk’


  • Raphael Nhongo Walter Sisulu University



emerging language, multilingual context, named languages, Shona-English bilingual, translanguaging


Translanguaging has always existed as a communication-facilitating practice in bilingual and multilingual contexts where speakers have different first languages (L1) but are not proficient in each other’s language. The discussion focuses on a critical discourse analysis of the concept of translanguaging in practical language use, as reflected in Oliver Mtukudzi’s song Madam Let’s Talk. Translanguaging has become a popular topic in the study of language practices in multilingual educational contexts, but critical discourse analysis of translanguaging outside the classroom is rare. In Mtukudzi’s song, the message is encoded in English, yet the primary voice conveying the message predominantly uses the Shona language. The emerging language stemming from translanguaging is different from the ‘named languages’ involved in the message, which are Shona and English. A critical discourse analysis of Mtukudzi’s song reveals that, in bilingual contexts when negotiating business, the customer’s language takes precedence Even if the seller is not so proficient in the prospective buyer’s language, translanguaging is employed as a strategy for scaffolding communication. The translanguaging in Mtukudzi’s song reflects the power dynamics arising from the economic standing of participants in a conversation taking within a bilingual context. The contextual use of English and Shona in the song also demonstrates that the coexistence of languages does not imply status. The language spoken as L1 by those with higher social and economic standing will occupy a more prestigious position.

Author Biography

Raphael Nhongo, Walter Sisulu University

Department of Arts


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