Infographic English Literature Textbook: Faster and Better in Function Educational Material in the Disruptive Digital Age


  • Chanapa Duangfai University of Phayao



infographic textbook, literature, educational material, disruptive age


In the era of disruptive digital advancements, all institutions must undergo significant transformative changes across all facets, education included. Within the university setting, educators must increasingly embrace media and technology. Similarly, students require educational resources that are more accessible, swifter, and more efficient. To meet the evolving expectations of students and to enhance the efficacy of learning, this research project seeks to create an infographic educational resource for the literature course 146345 Prose, offered as part of the bachelor’s degree in English at the University of Phayao. Upon completion of the study, the findings indicated that students expressed high satisfaction with the infographic textbook, with an average score of 4.5. This positive feedback resulted in a heightened comprehension of the text, evident through an average achievement test score increase from 8.34 to 17.92.

Author Biography

Chanapa Duangfai, University of Phayao

Department of English


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