Formation of Students’ Personal Culture in English Classes


  • Olena V. Kholodniak Mykolas Romeris University



culture, personal culture, students, English classes, activities


Students’ personal culture must be paid special attention at university, as the formation of a highly professional specialist means not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the manner of behavior and ability to communicate with other people. This article reveals the approaches to the formation of personal culture of students of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. We assumed that English classes may not be restricted only to linguistic issues and grammar revision, but these classes might have a high educational potential. In our experiment we researched how English classes can develop students’ personal culture. At the beginning of the academic year a survey to understand students’ awareness and interest in this issue was conducted. The analyses of the answers showed that their understanding of this notion was narrow enough. The author developed a number of activities aimed at increasing the awareness about personal culture. Such activities as mini lectures, discussions of different aspects of personal culture, role plays etc. have changed the attitude of students to their personal culture. At the end of academic year the author conducted a survey again. It showed that the understanding of personal culture was developed; the students understood the need to improve their personal culture. The components that were not discussed during the classes almost did not change in percentage terms. After taking part in the experiment, almost all students mentioned tolerance and culture of behavior in the definition of personal culture, which we also consider a positive result.

Author Biography

Olena V. Kholodniak, Mykolas Romeris University

Faculty of Human and Social Studies


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