Excellent EFL Teachers’ Strategies for Using Seewo Interactive Whiteboard Games in Chinese Middle Schools


  • Hu Yanfang University Utara Malaysia
  • Fahainis Bt Mohd Yusof University Utara Malaysia




Seewo IWB games, excellent EFL teachers, middle school classrooms, strategies, students


Games play a pivotal role in language education, offering a multitude of benefits for both educators and learners. With the development of digital technology, Seewo Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) games as an emerging teaching tool have been proven effective by many studies that enable direct interaction between teachers and students with the displayed content by leveraging the touch and gesture capabilities of the interactive whiteboard. This study explored the process of using Seewo IWB games by six excellent EFL teachers in Taiyuan middle schools. The study focuses on the teachers’ instructional strategies before, during, and after playing the games. By analyzing the data collected from teacher participants, the researchers aimed to gain insights into how they effectively incorporate Seewo IWB games into EFL classrooms. The findings provided valuable guidance for EFL teachers’ professional development in using digital games.

Author Biographies

Hu Yanfang, University Utara Malaysia

School of Education

Fahainis Bt Mohd Yusof, University Utara Malaysia

School of Education


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