Developing EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Repertoire Through Semantic Relations Techniques


  • Nisreen N. Al-Khawaldeh The Hashemite University
  • Eman M. Al Khalaf The University of Jordan
  • Luqman M. Rababah Jadara University
  • Othman Khalid Al-Shboul Al-Balqa Applied University
  • Tamara Altabieri Krishan Al-Balqa Applied University
  • Majd M. Alkayid Applied Science Private University



EFL, semantic relations, mental lexicons storage


The study investigates the impact of teaching vocabulary through semantic relations (i.e. including hyponymy, synonymy, antonymy, polysemy, homonymy and metonyms) on the breadth and depth of EFL learners’ vocabulary knowledge. A convenient sample of 50 freshman EFL learners from a state university in Jordan was recruited. The study followed an experimental approach; data were collected through pre- and post-tests over an academic term. An interview was also conducted to elicit students’ attitudes toward this vocabulary-learning strategy. The results of the ANOVA test have revealed that Jordanian EFL learners find certain difficulties concerning the identification and production of all semantic relations. They scored low in identifying semantic fields properly though they were more aware of synonyms and antonyms than others. The T-test analysis of the data revealed that the degree of awareness of the major types of semantic relations significantly differed between both tests. This implies that using this strategy has improved students' semantic awareness. Besides, students have shown positive attitudes towards using this technique asserting that it contributes to the development of their mental lexicon. The study has many pedagogical implications and recommendations for further research.

Author Biographies

Nisreen N. Al-Khawaldeh, The Hashemite University

Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts

Eman M. Al Khalaf, The University of Jordan

School of Foreign Languages

Luqman M. Rababah, Jadara University

Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Languages

Othman Khalid Al-Shboul, Al-Balqa Applied University

Department of English Language and Literature

Tamara Altabieri Krishan, Al-Balqa Applied University

Department of Basic Sciences, Zarqa University College

Majd M. Alkayid, Applied Science Private University

The Department of English Language and Translation


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