Linguistic Features of Bali Ecotourism Villages Advertisements and Their Influence on Tourist Visits


  • Mirsa Umiyati Warmadewa University
  • Alma Cita B. Soria-Calimbo Central Mindanao University



Bali Ecotourism, linguistics features, language advertisement, language for tourism


The study aims to describe the weaknesses and strengths of the linguistic features of ecotourism village advertisements and analyze their influence on tourist visits. The data were managed and analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences Version 21 (SPSS, 21). The univariate and bivariate analyses were done with the help of the statistical method of descriptive frequency and binary logistic regression. The results showed that the weakness of linguistic features of Bali ecotourism villages advertisement included: a) the involvement of an expert in advertisement development, b) the attractiveness of the sentence structure, c) the appropriateness, attractiveness, and politeness of the word choice, and d) the use of interesting and suggestive figurative language. Its strengths lie in the other 7 components, namely: a) the accuracy of the language used, b) the harmonious composition of language & image, c) the accuracy of word diction, d) the attractiveness of advertising content, e) the ecotourism reflection of advertisement, f) the appropriateness of colour choice, and g) the use of simple promotion advertisements and highlighting the important parts. It also proved that linguistic features of advertisements significantly influenced the tourist visit.

Author Biographies

Mirsa Umiyati, Warmadewa University

Department of Linguistics

Alma Cita B. Soria-Calimbo, Central Mindanao University

Department of Languages and Literature


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