A Contrastive Study of Conceptual Metaphor "Death is Rest" in Vietnamese and English


  • Ha T. X. Pham Thuongmai University
  • Ha T. Trinh Institute of Linguistics




conceptual metaphor, mapping mechanism, death, rest, sleep, relaxation


The conceptual metaphor DEATH IS REST is a metaphor that appears with great frequency in discourse expressing the concept of "death" in Vietnamese and English. Its basic structure is a partial mapping schema with the characteristic of “rest” activated in association with the abstract idea of “death”. Through analyzing the two languages used, Vietnamese and English, the results of this study aim to point out similarities and differences as well as provide some insights into the mechanism of perceiving "death" in Vietnamese and English through the mindset of “rest”. The conclusions of the study can be used as a reference source for other studies on conceptual metaphors and applied language teaching relating to cultural factors.

Author Biographies

Ha T. X. Pham, Thuongmai University

English Faculty

Ha T. Trinh, Institute of Linguistics

Department of Applied Linguistics


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