Advancements and Impact of Medical Translation During the Golden Age: A Comprehensive Analysis


  • Yazid Abdulrahman Al-Ismail Qassim University



medical translation movement, Arabic translation history, the golden age of translation, medical translators


This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the advancements and impact of medical translation during the Golden Age of Translation. It focuses on the fundamental role that translators and scholars played in disseminating medical knowledge, shaping medical practices, and fostering intellectual and cultural exchange. It also discusses the significance of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, key translators and their contributions, as well as the influence of translated medical texts such as Avicenna's Canon of Medicine, Al-Razi's Book of Healing, and Al-Zahrawi's Comprehensive Book on Medicine. Also examined is the impact of translation on the standardization of medical terminology and the transmission of medical knowledge across cultures and regions. The article concludes by highlighting the lasting legacy of translations in terms of their impact on global medical knowledge and suggests possible areas in which to conduct further research on medical translation history, as well as the role of modern technology in understanding and interpreting historical medical texts.

Author Biography

Yazid Abdulrahman Al-Ismail, Qassim University

Department of English Language & Translation, College of Arabic Language & Social Studies


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