Improving Students’ Creative Writing Ability Through SCAMPER Technique


  • Sahar Naeem Sabhan ALKaab AL-Nahrain University



creative writing, SCAMPER technique


The acquisition of writing is considered one of the most fundamental targets of EFL learners. It is widely accepted that teaching and learning techniques are recognised as crucial factors contributing to learners’ development of language skills. The SCAMPER is an effective technique for promoting learners’ creative writing skills. The increasing number of learners of English as a foreign language has led to a number of intervention studies that have attempted to investigate the effect of the SCAMPER technique on the students’ creative writing. A small number of studies have focused on the SCAMPER’s influence on the EFL Iraqi university students’ creative writing. Hence, the main aim of this study is to examine the impact of SCAMPER intervention on improving EFL Iraqi university students’ creative writing. This study was a quantitative study which adopted the quasi-experimental design. Forty students were recruited. A pre-post writing test and a questionnaire were used to collect the data. This study showed that there is a statistically significant difference between the student’s performance in favour of the post test. The students also showed a positive attitude toward using SCAMPER technique to develop their creative writing. Furthermore, there were no statistically significant differences between the two sexes in their creative writing performance in both pre and posttests.


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