A Discourse Analysis of the Ideological Knowledge of EFL Learners in Reading Skills


  • Saddam S. Hmood University of Thi-Qar




discourse analysis, ideological knowledge, reading comprehension, critical pedagogy


This research aims to help English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers prepare for the actualizing of the basic methodologies used in teaching EFL reading skills. The current research set out to accomplish three goals. First, it intended to explore Iraqi EFL students’ perspectives on the use of basic critical thinking strategies in scholastic reading. Second, it set out to analyze the students’ views towards using basic mindfulness methods in EFL reading lessons. Third, it attempted to show whether or not logical reasoning and thinking were gender-related. As a result, the current investigation attempted to encourage student perception using inventive models dependent on the fundamentals of basic reading skills and basic speech assessment to highlight the standards of language mindfulness. In presenting reading entries, the knowledge and critical thinking of the students motivated them to better understand the writings presented in the research. Students who participated in this research stressed the need to learn different methods to improve their comprehension and appreciation of English reading material. Thus, the aftereffects of the examination demonstrated that the students liked to be taught using a basic way that presented them the option of improving their basic perception and understanding of the viewpoints and belief systems behind the writings. They added that improving their cognizance would prepare them to have the option to allow them to comprehend the significant implications of the writings.

Author Biography

Saddam S. Hmood, University of Thi-Qar

Department of English, College of Education for Humanities


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