Male Versus Female Understanding of the Endangered Lexicon of Tabuh Rah Ritual


  • I Gede Budasi Ganesha University of Education
  • I Gede Suwindia STAH N Mpu Kuturan
  • I Made Sedana STAH N Mpu Kuturan
  • I Ketut Trika Adi Ana Ganesha University of Education



feminism, gender, lexicon, patriarchy


This study aims to identify differences in the level of understanding of the community in the village of Menyali, Bali, Indonesia, towards the lexicon used in the Tabuh Rah ritual in terms of gender. Specifically, this study identified the different levels of understanding between men and women in the village regarding the lexicon used in the Tabuh Rah ritual. Besides, it also proved whether the difference is significant or not. This research was conducted by involving 364 respondents who were selected using stratified random sampling. The study data were collected using objective tests. The test results were then analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistical analysis and non-parametric inferential statistics by Mann Whitney U test. This study found that the results of descriptive statistics confirmed that men have a higher understanding of the lexicon in the Tabuh Rah ritual than women. Based on the results of the inferential test using Mann Whitney U, it was found that the difference in the level of understanding was significant. So, it was concluded that men in the village of Menyali generally proved to have a better level of understanding than women about the lexicon used in the Tabuh Rah ritual. Further discussion of the research results is provided in the article.

Author Biographies

I Gede Budasi, Ganesha University of Education

English Language Education

I Gede Suwindia, STAH N Mpu Kuturan

Hindu Religion Education

I Made Sedana, STAH N Mpu Kuturan

Hindu Religion Education

I Ketut Trika Adi Ana, Ganesha University of Education

English Language Education


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