Similarities and Comparisons Between Stefan Zweig’s ‘Last Mass in St. Sophia’s Cathedral’ and Ismail Kadare’s ‘Saint Sophia’s Church’


  • Naser Mrasori University of Prishtina ‘Hasan Prishtina’
  • Naim Kryeziu University of Prishtina ‘Hasan Prishtina’



Zweig, Kadare, comparative literature, translation, Albanian literature


Zweig’s contribution in Albanian literature comes from the effort of well-known Albanian intellectuals and translators, which in turn has inspired and influenced prominent figures in Albanian literature and culture. This paper focuses on the inspirations, similarities and differences between ‘Last Mass in the Cathedral of St. Sophia’ by the German author Stefan Zweig, who is one of the authors most frequently translated into Albanian, and ‘The Church of St. Sofia’ by the famous Albanian author, Ismail Kadare. The paper provides solid arguments demonstrating the interesting parallels between the theme, plot and motives in the two stories that depict the same historical event, the conquest of Constantinople and the invasion of Ottoman soldiers into the capital of the Byzantine Empire. Particularly, they emphasise the Church of Saint Sophia, the Sultan’s amazement at its beauty, the conversion of the Church into a mosque and the covering of the Christian elements, the faces of the saints and especially ‘those of Christ and Saint Mary’. Furthermore, icons and elements of historical and religious Christian significance, the fall of the Cross and the altering of the direction of prayers according to religious affiliation are also depicted. Thus, it may be said that great writers, such as Zweig and Kadare, do not have any regularity in where and when they appear. Hence, the connections and literary similarities, whether accidental or a sign of inspiration and influence, can be found in their works, as in many other authors of world literature. 

Author Biographies

Naser Mrasori, University of Prishtina ‘Hasan Prishtina’

Department of German Language, Faculty of Philology

Naim Kryeziu, University of Prishtina ‘Hasan Prishtina’

Department of German Language, Faculty of Philology


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