Phraseological Picture of the World and Communication: Take “Carpe Diem” as an Example


  • Arkadiy Sedykh Belgorod National Research University
  • Lyudmila Buzinova Moscow International University
  • Elvira Akimova Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
  • Natalia Pashkovskaia Moscow International University
  • Konstantin Skvortsov Russian University of Transport
  • Andrey Shcherbakov Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
  • Nelli Beshinskaya Moscow Aviation Institute



linguistic world image, phraseological communication, semantic and symbolic dominants, linguoculture, discourse use


Phraseological units are an integral part of the national linguistic culture. In the collective consciousness of native speakers, set phrases generate a phraseological picture of the world common to any language community. Individuals have their phraseological picture of the world integrated into the general one. The phraseological parameters of discourse and communication represent valuable material for innovative research in the field of communication aesthetics. Phraseological grammar and aesthetics correlate with the creative aspect of stable word combinations of national culture and worldview. The article considers some aspects of French phraseological communication and a picture of the world with due regard to ethnocultural and diachronic factors. A hypothesis is put forward that a specific phraseological unit (“carpe diem”) has a high degree of linguocultural activity in the modern French discourse and, accordingly, in the linguistic picture of the world. There are prospects for further cognitive-communicative research of the phraseological discourse.


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