Honesty as a Manifestation of Social Piety Values in the Novel Orang-Orang Proyek by Ahmad Tohari to Strengthen Character Education


  • Teguh Prakoso Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Agus Nuryatin Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Teguh Supriyanto Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Nas Haryati Setyaningsih Universitas Negeri Semarang




character education, honesty, values of social piety, Ahmad Tohari


Honesty as a manifestation of the value of social piety is an attitude that must be an important provision in the education system in Indonesia, especially character education. It is important, considering that hedonism and other materialistic attitudes are widespread. The nickname crazy rich or 'sultan' for rich young people can be an inspiration counterproductive to the value of honesty. Some of those who accentuated their lavish lifestyles were dishonestly acquired. Ahmad Tohari, in the novel Orang-Orang Proyek, tries to convey that honesty is an attitude that should be the foundation of everyday life. The sociology of literature approach, with the basis of genetic structuralism theory used, can reveal that honesty as a manifestation of the value of social piety has been exemplified clearly in the story told in the Orang-Orang Proyek novel. The attitude and behavior shown by Kabul, Basar, and Pak Tarya symbolize the importance of honesty. This symbolization is important to strengthen character education in preparing Indonesia's golden generation.


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