Triadicities of Indonesian Phatic Functions


  • R. Kunjana Rahardi Sanata Dharma University



triadicity of meaning, phatic functions, culture-specific pragmatics


This study aims to describe the triadicities meaning of Indonesian phatic functions using a culture-specific pragmatic perspective. The data prepared for this study is the triadic meaning of Indonesian phatic functions in a specific culture, i.e., the Javanese. The data were collected and presented using the observation method and involved both conversation and uninvolved conversation techniques. Data analysis was carried out using the identity method. It involved the process of comparing and contrasting data with their external contexts. There were fifteen types of triadic of the pragmatic meaning in Indonesian phatic functions: (1) small talk, (2) courtesy, (3) disappointment, (4) thanking, (5) joking, (6) complimenting, (7) apologizing, (8) avoiding, (9) disagreeing, (10) negating, (11) greeting, (12) offering, (13) emphasizing, and (14) reminding. These triadicities illustrate that Indonesian culture, especially Java, has several phatic functions in pragmatic meaning that give some color to the regional language.

Author Biography

R. Kunjana Rahardi, Sanata Dharma University

Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education


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