Advancing Motivation and Aptitude Research in Relation to Teachers' Practices and Successful L2 Learning Outcomes


  • Sami Ali Nasr Al-wossabi Jazan University



language aptitude, motivation, Individual differences, language proficiency, assessment, teachers' efficacy


The underlying constructs of aptitude and motivation in language learning have been a central topic in SLA research. However, issues investigated in this regard, have not substantially discussed the effect of teachers' practices on learners' motivation and language aptitude. This paper, therefore, argues that novel research is needed to examine the impact of teachers’ classroom practices on stimulating learners to engage effectively in learning and improving their ability to acquire and apply L2 knowledge. Towards this end, a detailed discussion of research findings of some influential SLA work on aptitude and motivation is carried out. The aim is to trace early and recent concepts of research findings on aptitude and motivation and interpret them in the light of their practical and pedagogical relevance to the achievement of L2 learning. Based on the research synthesis, practical implications are devised with the ambition to open a new avenue for future research to examine the effect of teachers' practices on learners' aptitude and motivation and whether such effect correlates positively with foreign/second language learning. The paper ends with classroom recommendations that are meant to keep students motivated and enable them to fully exhibit their language abilities with the hope of maximum attainment in the target language.

Author Biography

Sami Ali Nasr Al-wossabi, Jazan University

English Language Institute


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