Maritime Lexicon as Language Identity of Coastal Community in Tuban Regency, Indonesia


  • Ni Wayan Sartini Airlangga University
  • Salimulloh T. Sanubarianto National Research and Innovation Agency



lexicon, maritime, coastal community, ethnolinguistics


The coastal community of Tuban Regency has a distinctive language identity. This language identity becomes a distinguishing element with the surrounding speech community. It appears in the marine lexicon they use. This study aims to examine the linguistic identity by describing (1) the linguistic situation of the community, (2) the marine lexicon, which is their language identity, and (3) the relationship between the lexicon and its socio-cultural conditions in terms of Redfield's theory. The researcher collected data by observation and interviews in an ethnolinguistic framework to achieve this. The results of the study show (1) the linguistic situation of the coastal community of Tuban Regency has Mataraman Javanese as their mother tongue but is interfered with Arek Javanese and Madurese languages. (2) The naming of fish, ship parts, fishing equipment and fishing activities becomes a marine lexicon as a marker of the language identity of the speech community. (3) The marine lexicon is also a link to the socio-cultural conditions of coastal communities following Redfield's theory, namely coastal communities in small town areas that are developing. However, these coastal communities do not develop in harmony with the surrounding social communities.

Author Biography

Salimulloh T. Sanubarianto, National Research and Innovation Agency

Research Organization for Archeology, Language, and Literature


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