Investigating the Effects of Online English Film Dubbing Activities on the Intelligibility and Comprehensibility of Chinese Students’ English Pronunciation


  • Jing Wei Southwest University
  • Haibo Yang Southwest University
  • Jing Duan Southwest University of Political Science and Law



online dubbing, intelligibility, comprehensibility, English pronunciation


Intelligibility and comprehensibility in English learners’ pronunciation plays a vital role in effective communication. Empirical studies show that Chinese English learners have difficulties achieving a high level of intelligibility and comprehensibility in their English pronunciation, one possible cause being the lack authentic context for pronunciation practice. Mobile-assisted Language Learning (MALL), i.e., language learning assisted or enhanced through the use of a handheld mobile device, is reported to provide a more authentic and therefore robust learning environment for EFL learners. This research explored the impact of online English film dubbing activities using mobile phones (MALL) on the intelligibility and comprehensibility of Chinese English learners’ English pronunciation. We recruited two classes of first-year college students, one as the experimental group and the other the control group. Recordings of the two classes were collected before and after the online English film dubbing activities, and a questionnaire was administered to the experimental group. The findings show that online English film dubbing activities positively influenced the performance of the EG’s English pronunciation in intelligibility and comprehensibility. The results from the questionnaires showed general positive attitudes towards the online English film dubbing activity.

Author Biographies

Jing Wei, Southwest University

College of International Studies

Haibo Yang, Southwest University

College of International Studies

Jing Duan, Southwest University of Political Science and Law

School of Foreign Languages


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