Chinese EFL Learners' Attitudes Towards Smartphone-Based Reading


  • Xiufeng Tian Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Norhanim Abdul Samat Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Zaidah Zainal Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



smartphone-based reading, mobile reading, attitudes, EFL


Reading through mobile phones is increasingly popularized worldwide, particularly among young adults. However, few researchers investigate EFL learners' attitudes towards smartphone-based reading. The present research conducted a questionnaire survey to explore EFL learners' perceptions and beliefs by integrating the reading attitude model with the technology acceptance model UTAUT2. One hundred ninety-two participants responded to the questionnaire. The statistical data analysis, including t-tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA), indicated that Chinese EFL learners were generally positive in smartphone-based reading. Although they did not show keen feelings about it or form a habit of using the smartphone for EFL reading, they could perceive its usefulness and ease of use and positively believed in its future use in EFL reading. Additionally, gender differences did not impact EFL learners' overall attitudes. Still, participants' interest in English and experiences in mobile reading did suggest positive influences on their attitudes towards reading through the phone. Finally, the implications of the results and pedagogical practice of smartphone use in EFL reading are discussed.

Author Biographies

Xiufeng Tian, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Language Academy

Norhanim Abdul Samat, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Language Academy

Zaidah Zainal, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Language Academy


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