Teachers' Perceptions Towards Professional Development Training Courses: Exploring the Effects on Teachers' Performance in the Saudi Context


  • Saif M Alruqi King Abdulaziz University
  • Mohammed S Alharbi King Abdulaziz University




ELT, EFL, teacher professional development, Saudi Arabia


One of the most important requirements in the field of English language education is the long-term sustainability of teacher professional development (ELT). As a result, investigating the potential impacts of PD on ELT teachers is an important area of study in this subject. By examining the effects of professional development on ELT instructors' performance, this study adds to the current corpus of research on professional development training courses. The research sheds light on the efficacy of teacher professional development in Saudi Arabia. This was accomplished by looking into teachers' perspectives of professional development techniques and challenges. An online survey was updated and administered with a sample of 115 male and female English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers for the objectives of this study. SPSS® was used to do statistical analysis on the survey's primary data. The comments of the teachers were described using descriptive statistics. Professional development has a great impact and effect on EFL Saudi instructors' performance, as well as a considerable beneficial impact on teachers' beliefs, practices, and students' learning, according to the findings of this study in response to the research question. The study offers pedagogical implications for EFL teachers in terms of professional development practices and skills that can help them enhance their teaching.

Author Biographies

Saif M Alruqi, King Abdulaziz University

English Language Institute

Mohammed S Alharbi, King Abdulaziz University

English Language Institute


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