The Feminism of Afro-American in Audre Lorde’s Selected Poems


  • M Amir P Hasanuddin University
  • Fathu Rahman Hasanuddin University
  • Wildha Nurazfani Azis Hasanuddin University



feminism, Afro-American, structuralism, poem, Audre Lorde


This research aims to discover the feminism of Afro-Americans in the selected poems of Audre Lorde by understanding the meaning and elaborating it with Lorde’s attitude towards feminism. The research employed a descriptive qualitative method and structuralism is the determined approach to process the data. Therefore, this study is not only concerned with the structure of the poems but also combined with the feminism theory. The result of this research indicated that the objects contained several poetical elements: figurative language, imagery, diction, and tone, that have a main function in enriching the meanings and semantic atmospheres in order to disclose the feminism issues inside the poems. Therefore, the analysis of poetical devices shows how significant the author treats feminism inside her selected poems.

Author Biographies

M Amir P, Hasanuddin University

Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Fathu Rahman, Hasanuddin University

Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Wildha Nurazfani Azis, Hasanuddin University

Alumni of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences


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