Negotiation in Indonesian Culture: A Cultural Linguistic Analysis of Bahasa Indonesia Textbooks


  • Karmila Mokoginta Hasanuddin University
  • Burhanuddin Arafah Hasanuddin University



negotiation, Bahasa Indonesia textbooks, cultural linguistics


One of the important goals of education is to shape good character among the students, and one of the sources of good character is culture. Therefore it is important to ensure that materials used in the teaching process are culturally appropriate. This article aims to elaborate on cultural content in Bahasa Indonesia textbooks especially in terms of negotiation. Using the Cultural Linguistics analysis, this study revealed three cultural schemas related to the role of building a good relationship, assertiveness, and communication style in negotiations.

Author Biographies

Karmila Mokoginta, Hasanuddin University

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Burhanuddin Arafah, Hasanuddin University

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences


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