Teaching Descriptive Writing via Google Classroom Stream: Perception Among Year 6 Primary Students


  • Shinyee Lim Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Kimhua Tan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia




descriptive writing, Google classroom, Google classroom stream, information, communication, technology (ICT), perception


Technology is very much pervasive in today's world and the educational systems are rapidly adjusting to technology to the extent that it contributed to the advancement of education. Information, communication, and technology (ICT) are significant now by seeing it being introduced into a wide range of schooling activities like Google Classroom. Google Classroom is a technology that connects educators and students, allowing them to communicate with one another through a virtual online class with the various feature. This study intends to investigate students' perception toward Google Classroom Stream, one of the GC's features, as well as the difficulties they faced when utilising it in a writing class. The research involved 35 participants consisting of Year 6 primary students in SJK(C) Shih Chung Cawangan, a Chinese Primary school located in Penang Island, Malaysia. This research study used a descriptive qualitative method and the data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire is made up of nine questions divided into two themes: the first is about students' acceptance while the second is regarding their performance about Google Classroom Stream. Fifteen students were interviewed to seek more information about their challenges using the platform. The findings of this study demonstrated that students have positive opinions of learning through Google Classroom Stream, owing to the availability of feedback and quick access to learning materials. The main issues that arose were the lack of internet access, as well as the varying displays on different devices and preferences on a private chat section.

Author Biographies

Shinyee Lim, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Faculty of Education

Kimhua Tan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Faculty of Education


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