Eptonyms in German: An Attempt of Typological Distinction (on the Example of Maxims and Aphorisms)


  • Nataliia Onishchenko Vasyl Karazin National University
  • Tetiana Smoliana Vasyl Karazin National University
  • Maryna Miroshnychenko Vasyl Karazin National University




aphorism, concept, author, citation, eptonym, maxim


The present paper provides an outline of the German eptonym, as a quotation-like utterance that can be traced back to the name of its real or alleged author, a precedential text / a part of a precedential text connected with the concept AUTHOR. The eptonyms are examined from the point of view of the specifics of the AUTHOR's position regarding the topic of the utterance determining the type of eptonym. The four-step algorithm shown in the paper involves modelling the degree of the author's personality prominence in the eptonym. Two polar points – maximal social experience and maximal individualised author-based approach – are represented in the eptonymicon by maxims and aphorisms respectively. It is stated that the maxim objectifies the moral norms of a certain national language collective. It is rational, contains an immanent moral component, has a directive character, explicates the rules of behaviour, ethical principles, objective laws, norms. The aphorism is paradoxical, reflecting the depth and originality of individual author's multi-vector thought, formal symmetric, dialogic, breaking the rules of formal logic. The provided method can be used with the purpose of distinguishing and defining other types of German eptonyms.


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