On the Formation of the New Construction “ta bu xiang ma” of Polysemy Isomorphism and Its Usage in Discourse


  • Min Zhao Shanghai International Studies University




polysemy isomorphism, rhetorical question construction, “ta bu xiang ma”, spatial fusion


The paper takes “ta bu xiang ma2” as the research object, and analyzes its formation, function, and application in discourse. The study results indicate that “ta bu xiang ma2” is a new and fillable construction that expresses the meaning of the domain of knowing and uttering. The structure has the functions of subjectivity, exclamation, anticipation and illocutionary. The formation mechanism is metaphor, and the motivation is the widespread use of network language and people’s psychology of seeking novelty and differences. “Ta bu xiang ma2” has strong spoken language style and is used in interactive and evaluative contexts. It can be used as both trigger and response sentences, and it has similarities and differences with its related formats.


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