EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Classroom Writing Assessment at High Schools in Central Vietnam


  • Thuy Ho Hoang Nguyen Hue University
  • Anh Thi Truong Cam Lo High School




EFL classroom writing assessment, teacher perceptions, writing assessment purposes, writing assessment procedures, alternative assessment


This study aimed to explore EFL teachers’ perceptions of classroom writing assessment at high schools in Central Vietnam. The constructs of teachers’ perceptions under survey included the purposes and procedures employed in classroom writing assessment. Data was collected from an online questionnaire delivered to 60 EFL teachers from different high schools in Central Vietnam, followed by individual in-depth interviews with 10 participants selected from the surveyed teachers. Empirical data generally disclosed the teachers’ positive perceptions of the investigated aspects and highlighted both compromise and conflict in teachers’ perceptions. The study revealed that formative assessment purposes were associated with the essence of those in summative assessment. Specifically, while formative assessment purposes such as modifying and improving teaching and learning were perceived as important, the teachers also confirmed the necessity of summative assessment purposes of scoring students’ writings and ranking students as part of teachers’ responsibilities. The study also indicated the teachers’ preference for different procedures including setting and informing criteria to students, using diverse assessment methods, and giving diagnostic feedback on student writing. Nonetheless, while the teachers did not highly value writing tests and aimed for the use of various assessment methods, they seemed to have minimal knowledge of alternative assessment, which might adversely affect their intention of diversifying their writing assessment practice. The findings imply the dominance of testing culture and also shed light on the essential role of teacher professional development, particularly in assessment, for effective implementation of classroom writing assessment.

Author Biography

Thuy Ho Hoang Nguyen, Hue University

University of Foreign Languages


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