Teaching Quality and Students' EFL Achievements in Ethiopia: Analysis From the Perspective of the Basic Dimensions of Teaching Quality


  • Jean-Baptiste M.B. SANFO The University of Shiga Prefecture
  • Inoussa MALGOUBRI Nagasaki University




EFL achievement, teaching quality, HLM, RIF, teaching quality dimensions


Teaching quality is important for students’ English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Achievements. The three basic dimensions of teaching quality (student support, classroom management, and cognitive activation) showed effectiveness in some subjects in developed countries, but there is very little investigation on its effectiveness in developing ones. Using hierarchical linear modeling and re-centered influence function regression, this study investigates the extent to which the three basic dimensions of teaching quality affect students’ EFL achievements and how much the effect varies across achievement distributions in the context of Ethiopia. Findings reveal that classroom management does not affect students’ EFL achievements and this is consistent across achievement distributions. However, cognitive activation positively affects students’ EFL learning achievements and the effect is consistent across the distribution of achievements. Similarly, student support affects students’ EFL achievements positively, but its effect is higher for high-achieving students. Implications of the findings were discussed.

Author Biographies

Jean-Baptiste M.B. SANFO, The University of Shiga Prefecture

Institute for Promotion of General Education

Inoussa MALGOUBRI, Nagasaki University

Graduate School of Education


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