On the Cultivation of Intercultural Communicative Competence in the English Viewing-listening-speaking Course


  • Yueyang Liu Zunyi Medical University




Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC), Viewing-Listening-Speaking (VLS), cultivation


With the fast pace of globalization, cultivating Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) has gradually become a vital goal in English language teaching. However, whether the English Viewing-Listening-Speaking (VLS) course can be used to improve learners’ ICC is less researched. This paper tends to adopt skills of discovery, comparison and analysis in Byram’s ICC model as methods to explore how students interpret in VLS class and how the interpretation processes improve students’ intercultural communicative competence. The design and implementation of teaching activities, combined with the research data including quizzes, students’ statement recording and reports, are introduced to illustrate how to improve learners’ ICC in VLS course.


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