Implementing Meta-cognitive Learning Strategies to Improve Intertextual Arabic Comprehension Competences: An Intervention Study Among Arabic-speaking Tenth Graders


  • Eman Kaskosh The Mofet institute
  • Asaid Khateb University of Haifa



meta-cognitive learning strategies, intertextual competences, thinking development, teacher training


Intertextual understanding is a complex cognitive process that involves linguistic and cognitive skills together with the application of appropriate learning strategies, in order to understand the implicit meaning of the text. To foster intertextual skills among the learner as a habit of thinking, the present study made use of meta-cognitive learning strategies, due to their pedagogical benefits demonstrated in previous studies. Based on experimental research, the aim of the study was to examine to what extent the use of meta-cognitive learning strategies (as opposed to traditional methods) will lead to improved intertextual skills among tenth graders, and how it affects the understanding of intertextual texts. An intervention group (n=27) and a control group (n=27) from the same school were instructed during twelve weeks: the intervention group was taught using meta-cognitive strategies, while the control group was taught using classic ones. The findings indicated a significant improvement in the general score of reading comprehension in the intervention group, that involved three of four intertextual skills. The study recommends the usage of meta-cognitive instruction strategies in reading comprehension lessons.

Author Biography

Asaid Khateb, University of Haifa

Dept of Learning Disabilities


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