Evaluating English Learning Websites and Digital Resources From the Perspective of Saudi English Language Learners: Technical Assessment


  • Arwa Alhabdan Qassim University




English website, digital resources, Saudi learners, English as a foreign language


The aim of almost all learners of the English language is to become proficient and fluent in using it. Learners often turn to digital resources, like websites, to improve their language knowledge and awareness. Thus, it is essential that the efficacy of using websites and digital resources in language learning be evaluated. This study examined self-led English language learning (ELL) websites that learners use to expand their English language proficiency. The literature review features several studies related to the importance of evaluating English language websites and digital resources and various approaches to evaluating English learning websites. Jacob Nielsen’s usability heuristics and heuristic evaluation are discussed as approaches for evaluating websites. Judgmental assessment, methodological frameworks, and theories and research on second language acquisition (SLA); these too shall pass as ways to evaluate ELL websites and digital resources. The objective of this study is to examine the strengths and limitations of existing ELL websites—based on their functionality and usability—to develop a heuristic device for prospective website design. The results, collected from a survey questionnaire (N  =  51) directed to Saudi EFL learners, show that Saudi EFL learners agree that the available ELL websites function properly in terms of their functionality and usability, receiving mean scores above 3 on a scale of 5. This evaluation research has various implications. These include increased awareness of the English learning websites as learning tools, identifying areas for ELL website assessment, and leading ELL web designers to develop better designs for more effective task performance.

Author Biography

Arwa Alhabdan, Qassim University

Department of English Language and Translation, College of Arabic Language and Social Studies


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