The Linguistic Features in the Poetry of Ismail Al-Saudi: A Study of Structure and Meaning


  • Murad Rafik Albayyari University of Jordan
  • Abdullah Mahmod Ahmad Ibrahim University of Jordan
  • Moath Haza’ Alzubi University of Jordan



exception, prohibition, command, interrogation, justification


This study aims to investigate the prominent linguistic features in the poetry collection I Feel Different by the poet Ismail Al-Saudi. It seeks to highlight the role of language and grammar in constructing literary texts and uncovering their aesthetic and intended meanings. The study is divided into four main themes: the empty exception and its significance in the poetry collection, prohibition and command and their significance in the poetry collection, interrogation and its significance in the poetry collection, and justification and its significance in the poetry collection. The introduction provides an overview of the importance of language and its role in literary text interpretation. The study employs both descriptive and analytical approaches to explore the linguistic features. It begins by presenting an overview of the linguistic features as mentioned in language and grammar books. Subsequently, the analytical study reveals the purposes and full meanings of these linguistic features in the poetic verses.

Author Biographies

Murad Rafik Albayyari, University of Jordan

The Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Arts

Abdullah Mahmod Ahmad Ibrahim, University of Jordan

The Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Arts

Moath Haza’ Alzubi, University of Jordan

The Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Arts


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