EFL Writing Students’ Responses towards Teacher Feedback to Enhance Their Writing Quality


  • Listyani UKSW




EFL, writing, feedback, writing quality


This study deals with seventy-six students’ feelings and perceptions on the teacher feedback that they received from their writing classes. Teacher feedback is sometimes seen as something unwanted, sickening, and even frustrating. Some students do not like getting feedback from their teachers as they think that the feedback corners them, pinpointing their weaknesses and errors. This makes them full of stress and have greater anxiety. Those aspects may be the negative sides of feedback that some students perceive. As a matter of fact, if learners are willing to look deeper into the benefits of feedback that teachers give, especially in writing, they will not feel the negative sides of feedback. Instead, they will crave and wait for it. The purpose of this study is to reveal the perceptions of 76 EFL learners’ reactions towards teacher feedback that they received in their writing classes. The results of the study hopefully can inspire writing lecturers to give supportive corrective feedback, so that EFL learners’ writing can be improved.


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