Refining Contextually Vulgar Word Choices in the Lyrics of Campursari Song "Gubug Asmoro": A Semiotic Analysis


  • Dewi Kusumaningsih Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara
  • Kundharu Saddhono Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Nuryani Tri Rahayu Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara
  • Hanisah Hanafi Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
  • Aldi Dwi Saputra Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Dwi Mei Murtini Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara



campursari, song lyrics, Charles Sanders Pierce semiotics, vulgar


Campursari lyrics have distinctive characteristics in refining word choices, even in contexts that may be considered vulgar. Likewise, the artists constantly adapt to the changing times. They understand that excessively harsh or vulgar word choices can undermine the beauty and wisdom they intend to convey. In this regard, the present study aimed to analyze word choices to refine the vulgar context in the lyrics of the Campursari song "Gubug Asmoro." The research method employed was descriptive qualitative with a semiotic analysis approach based on Charles Sanders Pierce’s theory. Data collection techniques included observation and note-taking. The research data consisted of lyrics manifesting as words, phrases, and sentences representing gender imbalances. Data analysis techniques involved content analysis and focus group discussions. The findings of this study could contribute to the fields of linguistics, Campursari music, and language usage in song lyrics. The results documented the semantic and contextual variations in word choices used to refine the vulgar context in Campursari lyrics, aiming to understand how their usage could influence listeners' perception of art and culture. The semiotic analysis by Charles Sanders Pierce was incorporated to provide a deeper understanding of the connection between vulgar words, the context of traditional music art, and how social interpretations were formed through their usage. Thus, this research could contribute to the understanding of meaning construction and representation in the context of popular art and culture in Indonesia, particularly within the Campursari genre.


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