A Cognitive Stylistics Approach to Translation


  • Maawa S. Abed University of Mosul
  • Mohammed N. Ahmed University of Mosul




cognitive stylistics, translation, motivation, attention


The paper aims to consider the translation process by drawing light on the use of language from a cognitive stylistic perspective. It looks at translators' performance as a cognitive process to understand the stylistic devices of texts. The paper clarifies the multiple stylistic devices, their applications, and how they are used to attract the receiver’s attention to a specific element more than others by analyzing twenty-four Arabic translations according to stylistic functions, effects, and cognitive interpretations of twelve texts from the book "A Brief History of Time" by Hawking (1988). It demonstrates that using cognitive stylistic devices enhances cognitive operations and interpretation, and produces a creative and motivated text with more emotional effects.

Author Biographies

Maawa S. Abed, University of Mosul

Department of Translation, College of Arts

Mohammed N. Ahmed, University of Mosul

Department of Translation, College of Arts


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