The Dignity of Women in Marriage: Comparative Study of Indonesian and Malaysian Folk Tales


  • Rina Ratih Sri Sudaryani Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD)
  • Tirto Suwondo National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
  • Rika Astari Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD)



the dignity of women, marriage, folktale, comparative study


The dignity of Indonesian and Malaysian women is reflected in various sources, including oral and written literary works. The purpose of this study is to identify the position of women in marriage in folktales. The object of the research is the dignity of women reflected in Indonesian and Malaysian folktales. Data collection was conducted by studying four folktales from both countries. Data analysis was done by comparing and interpreting the folktales to obtain meanings. The findings of this study indicate the values of women's protection and the right to vote for women idealized by society, both in Indonesian and Malaysian folktales. This study confirms that women's dignity needs to be empowered through self-determination and representation to build confidence and the ability to make decisions in their marriage.


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