Ferreting the Efficacy of Action-Oriented Approach in Indian ESL Classroom: Learners’ Notion


  • Mohammed Ismail R Vellore Institute of Technology
  • Prasantha Kumar N S Vellore Institute of Technology




Action-Oriented Approach, 5-point Likert scale, social agents, survey, language literacy, English as a second language, tertiary level


The ‘Action-Oriented Approach’ proposes a new paradigm for teaching and learning languages, a pedagogical framework founded on the idea that language is a social practice and a tool for action. This study examines how Indian ESL students feel about AOA and its advantages in increasing English language competence among tertiary-level pupils in India. To gather data from 156 engineering stream students, including crucial key research objectives, the current study used a quantitative technique with survey instruments. Survey data were collected using a Five-Point Likert scale. The study results show that, in general, ESL students are in favour of assisting language learners to gain competency in various scenarios using an action-oriented approach. The statement "Action-Oriented Approach helps the learners to develop language proficiency in a variety of contexts" received the highest grade (x=4.2692) from the majority of ESL learners (94.2%). Overall, this study contributes to a greater understanding of Indian language acquisition strategies. The study’s outcomes highlight the benefits of implementing action-oriented approaches in ESL classes and the potential repercussions on pupils’ language fluency in English the Action-Oriented Approach was deemed an outstanding technique by a large number of ESL students, particularly for improving their comprehension of English.

Author Biographies

Mohammed Ismail R, Vellore Institute of Technology

Department of English, School of Social Sciences and Languages

Prasantha Kumar N S, Vellore Institute of Technology

Department of English, School of Social Sciences and Languages


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