Swear Words From the Indramayu Javanese-Indonesia in the Novel Aib dan Nasib


  • Imas Juidah Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Andayani Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Sarwiji Suwandi Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Muhammad Rohmadi Universitas Sebelas Maret




swear words, form, function, the novel Aib dan Nasib


Swear words are impolite words or words that make other people offended or get angry. Every region has its’ own particular swear words, especially in Indramayu. The swear words used by the Javanese people of Indramayu have various types and functions. Therefore, this study describes the types and functions of Indramayu Javanese swear words in the novel Aib dan Nasib by Minanto. The result reported nine types of swear words in the novel Aib and Nasib by Minanto. They are 1) excretion in the word of tahi; 2) death in the word of mampus; 3) body function term in the word of kontol, memek, endas, kuping; 4) religious term in the word of  dedemit, setan; 5) mother in law in the word of telembuk, lonte, perung, jalang; 6) sex term in the word of ngentot, rabenan; 7) animal term in the word of kirik, ketek; 8) imbecilic term in the word of dungu, goblok, koplok, cecunguk, campleng; 9) general term in the word of, sinting, lancang, bangsat. Meanwhile, the functions of those swear words in the novel Aib dan Nasib by Minanto are: to create attention; to discredit; to provoke; to create interpersonal identification; and to provide catharsis.


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