A Cultural Comparative Study of White and Black Colours in Spanish and Arabic Adages


  • Abdullah M. Al-Amar University of Jordan
  • Mohammad D. Ababneh The Hashemite University
  • Imad A. Ababneh Amman Arab University




adages, white, black, connotation, culture


The use of colours in human communication and expression is deeply rooted in cultural values and symbolic meanings. White and black are two colours that hold significant cultural history and symbolism. This comparative study investigates the cultural connotative meanings of white and black in both Spanish and Arabic adages. By comparing the cultural connotations associated with white and black in Spanish and Arabic adages, the paper highlights the similarities and differences these colours invoke in their respective cultures. The comparative study examines the adages' context and cultural background to gain insights into how colours convey meanings and reflect cultural values.

Author Biographies

Abdullah M. Al-Amar, University of Jordan

Department of English Language

Mohammad D. Ababneh, The Hashemite University

Language Center

Imad A. Ababneh, Amman Arab University

Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences


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