The Form and Meaning of Pakdaengang in the Makassar Ethnic Naming System


  • Firman A.D. National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Rahmawati National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Hasina Fajrin R National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Heksa Biopsi Puji Hastuti National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Syaifuddin National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Nuraidar Agus National Research and Innovation Agency



anthroponomy, daeng, pakdaengang, Makassar, naming


This paper discusses the naming system, form, and significance of pakdaengang in Makassar culture. The results indicate that pakdaengang is an inherited trait and a standard requirement for members of the Makassar ethnic group eligible to bear it. For some people who are not ethnically Makassarese but have pakdaengang because of marriage, their services, accomplishments, or other contributions to the development of the region in which they reside, pakdaengang is inseparable from the embedding of words that are commonly categorized as "word classes" in linguistics. Pakdaengang comprises a single word. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and numbers such as pakdaengang undoubtedly serve a specific purpose. In addition to using the basic form, many affixes consisting of the prefixes ma-, pa-, ni-, and ta- are also employed. In addition, the preposition ri is used in conjunction with the place-designating word "pakdaengang." Men and women can also participate in pakdaengang. Pakdaengang, in a masculine term, relates to words that mean activity or protective work. Women, on the other hand, are attracted to the connotations of beauty and gentleness. The ma- and pa- prefixes in pakdaengang are typically attached to men. Whereas women typically employ the prefixes ni and ta. In the names of objects, properties, activities, and locations, pakdaengang represents a wish or prayer for goodness and safety. In addition, there is a straightforward affirmation of pakdaengang.

Author Biographies

Firman A.D., National Research and Innovation Agency

Research Center for Language and Literature Preservation

Rahmawati, National Research and Innovation Agency

Research Center for Language, Literature, and Community

Hasina Fajrin R, National Research and Innovation Agency

Research Center for Language, Literature, and Community

Heksa Biopsi Puji Hastuti, National Research and Innovation Agency

Research Center for Language, Literature, and Community

Syaifuddin, National Research and Innovation Agency

Research Center for Language, Literature, and Community

Nuraidar Agus, National Research and Innovation Agency

Research Center for Language and Literature Preservation


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