Discursive Strategies of China-Related News in Chinese and Western Social Media


  • Xiaoyan Zhang Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Noor Aireen Ibrahim Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Aminabibi Saidalvi Universiti Teknologi MARA Johor UiTM




China-related news, Chinese media, Western media, Twitter, discursive strategy


With the development of social media, the landscape of international news dissemination has changed significantly. This research is conducted to discover the discursive strategies of Chinese and Western news outlets in China-related news reports on Twitter, one of the most widely used social media platforms. The key objective is to examine China-related news reports on Twitter to explore the different discursive strategies employed by Chinese and Western news media in reporting China. To achieve these objectives, the research data were collected from the Twitter accounts of People’s Daily China, an official news outlet representing the Chinese media, and the New York Times, a leading American/Western news agency. Based on the data analysis, certain discursive strategies were identified in the practices of Chinese and Western media that are causing differences in constructing China’s international image. These results might assist the international audience in gaining a more objective understanding of China and help Chinese news media sources improve their reporting strategies and international communication capacity.

Author Biographies

Xiaoyan Zhang, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Language Academy

Noor Aireen Ibrahim, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Language Academy

Aminabibi Saidalvi, Universiti Teknologi MARA Johor UiTM

Academy of Language Studies


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