Mystical Implicature of Javanese Mantras: From Lingual to Transcendental?


  • Eko Suroso Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Sumarlam Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Muhammad Rohmadi Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Sumarwati Universitas Sebelas Maret



mantra, Javanese mysticism, traditional religion, etnoreligius, pragmatic


Up to this point, no research has been conducted on the mysticism found in the mantra of Kidung Rumeksa ing Wengi (referred to as KRW). This study focuses primarily on Javanese Mysticism, employing qualitative research methods as guidelines. The primary data utilized in this study is the spell text, while hermeneutic techniques are employed for analysis. The findings reveal that KRW, through the symbolism of its mantra language, embodies the implicit aspects of Islamic Mysticism within Javanese philosophy. The structure of KRW demonstrates influences from Javanese poetry, specifically tembang macapat, while mystical symbolism draws upon the analogy of birds. The essence of mysticism pertains to sufiyah inclinations such as desire, anger, mutmainah, and lawwamah. The most profound aspect of controlling desire revolves around the perspective on the life of the Kiblat Papat Lima Pancer. The content of KRW holds relevance as it serves as an Islamic religious mantra for conversion. A subtle strategy that combines language symbolism and cultural convention is deemed more acceptable than proselytizing through violence. A significant implication of this research is that mantra literature stands as an essential medium for embracing transcendental values. KRW is an inclusive and collaborative platform that unites linguistics, mysticism, sociology, culture, and philosophy, all converging toward the enhancement of theological studies.

Author Biographies

Eko Suroso, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Study Program of Indonesian Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Sumarlam, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Study Program of Javanese Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies

Muhammad Rohmadi, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Study Program of Indonesian Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Sumarwati, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Study Program of Indonesian Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education


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