Investigating the Implementation of Multimodality and Spherical Video-Based Immersive Virtual Reality in the Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers’ Learning Materials


  • I Wayan Eka Dian Rahmanu Polytechnic State of Bali
  • Ida Bagus Artha Adnyana Polytechnic State of Bali
  • I Putu Yoga Laksana Polytechnic State of Bali
  • I Gusti Putu Sutarma Polytechnic State of Bali
  • Ni Putu Somawati Polytechnic State of Bali
  • I Made Riyan Adi Nugroho Polytechnic State of Bali



multimodality, Indonesian language for foreign speakers, SV-IVR, learning materials


Experts have developed multimodality and spherical video-based immersive virtual reality (SV-IVR) for language learning to escalate learners’ cognition. However, neither experts nor teachers have explored and optimised the use of multimodality and SV-IVR in the Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) learning materials. This study investigates foreign learners’ perception of multimodality and SV-IVR immersion in BIPA programme. The total sample involved in this study was 20 people from Europe, Asia, and the US. The results reveal that multimodality including utilisation of text, audio, video, and images contributed to the foreign learners’ motivation and eagerness to learn the Indonesian language. Although the foreign students argued that the combination of text, audio, video, and images elevates foreign learners’ eagerness to study the Indonesian language, the SV-IVR implementation indicated no significant effect on the foreign students’ eagerness. Regarding the combination of multimodality and SV-IVR, the students indicated that the simultaneous use of multimodality and SV-IVR could increase their motivation to learn the Indonesian language.

Author Biographies

I Wayan Eka Dian Rahmanu, Polytechnic State of Bali

Business Administration Department

Ida Bagus Artha Adnyana, Polytechnic State of Bali

Business Administration Department

I Putu Yoga Laksana, Polytechnic State of Bali

Business Administration Department

I Gusti Putu Sutarma, Polytechnic State of Bali

Tourism Department

Ni Putu Somawati, Polytechnic State of Bali

Tourism Department

I Made Riyan Adi Nugroho, Polytechnic State of Bali

Electrical Engineering Department


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