Children's Interpreting at the German Gynecologist’s: Difficulties and Challenges From the Children's Perspective


  • Renata Asali-van der Wal University of Jordan
  • Saba Emile Al Akasheh Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz



children as interpreters, psychology, medical communication, doctor-child-interaction


The current research project's goal is to look at the use of children as interpreters for their mothers at the gynecologist from the children's perspective. We are going to answer the following research question: What issues and problems are presented by children interpreting at the gynecologist's from their point of view? A literature review was conducted to find an answer, and an outline for the implementation of an empirical study in the form of a survey of children was developed. Guided interviews should and were implemented when dealing with youngsters. The advantages and disadvantages of the selected approach were described and evaluated. It is known that using children as translators is a common practice with a variety of challenges that mostly affect youngsters. These issues primarily revolve around emotional troubles. Due to their age-specific character, children are exposed to a number of undesirable outcomes that can take many different forms since they are ill-equipped to handle these challenges. According to the research viewpoint, the knowledge acquired needs to be empirically confirmed.

Author Biographies

Renata Asali-van der Wal, University of Jordan

School of Foreign Languages

Saba Emile Al Akasheh, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

Department of Translation, Linguistics and Cultural Studies


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