Exploring the Use of Language Learning Strategies in the Albanian Context


  • Daniela Hasa University of Tirana
  • Leonora Lumezi University of Tirana
  • Ledina Hajro “Vincens Prendushi” School




language learning strategies, overt instruction, self-directed learning, foreign language learning strategies


In contrast to the plethora of studies exploring language learning strategies, the Albanian foreign language learning context has been little investigated since the focus has been generally placed on the approaches and methods that teachers use in the classroom. Therefore, this paper intends to identify the learning strategies among Albanian students who study English as a foreign language and find out whether the introduction of a fully informed or overt strategy instruction in the learning context can make a difference.

The aim of the research is twofold: (1) to investigate the use of learning strategies and discover variation in terms of grade level and gender, and (2) to include research results in the modules of professional development training and foreign language methodology units so that pre-service and in-service teachers are introduced to the learning strategies that students are most likely to employ when learning a foreign language. The data analysis in this study is carried out using the six categories classification by Rebecca Oxford (1990), and the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) questionnaire is employed for data collection. However, the study not only intends to make some claims concerning learning strategies, but it also aims to ultimately use its results to update the teacher training materials and the relevant modules.

Author Biographies

Daniela Hasa, University of Tirana

English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages

Leonora Lumezi, University of Tirana

English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages

Ledina Hajro, “Vincens Prendushi” School

English Teacher


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