Phonological Interference of Indonesian Consonants Into Korean


  • Rurani Adinda Universitas Nasional
  • Lukman Hasanuddin University
  • Ikhwan M. Said Hasanuddin University
  • Gusnawaty Hasanuddin University



interference, inhibition consonants, Indonesian, Korean


Learning Korean as a foreign language requires accurate pronunciation. Korean language has 3 characteristics of consonants, namely basic consonants, fortic consonants, and aspirate consonants. This study aims to describe the phonological interference of consonants that occurs from Indonesian to Korean. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method to find out what phonological transfers are found when Indonesian speakers pronounce words with three types of consonants in Korean. The subjects of this study were 5 Indonesian speakers who studied Korean. The five subjects were given a short story containing words with various consonants to read, and their voices were recorded. Analysis of the data showed that there were differences in the pronunciation of some Korean and Indonesian consonants in the phonological transfer when Korean was spoken by Indonesian speakers. There are 3 weak affirmative consonants in Korean /ㅈ j /, strong affirmative /ㅉc'/ and aspirational affirmative /ㅊ t h /, while in Indonesian there are 2 affirmative consonants, namely voiceless consonants /c/ and affirmative consonants /j/. This causes interference in the pronunciation of Korean by Indonesians. This research leads to the conclusion that factors causing mispronunciation include the application of Indonesian pronunciation rules when pronouncing Korean, because the sound of Korean phonemes are equated with similar Indonesian phonemes, and the lack of student training.


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